2016 Grant Management Seminars
Don't forget - Grant Management Seminars are happening in April ! You must attend one to quality for a District or global grant. Make room in your schedule to attend one of two GMS (Grant Management Seminars) this spring that will educate and qualify you and your club to receive grant funding for your great projects. New this year we will offer a recertification class. If you have attended a GMS in 2014-2015 (either in Marion or at the District Conference at Okoboji), you are qualified for this class. This is only for previous attendees and is not transferable. You will receive a special invitation for this class if you qualify. This year’s classes will be offered in person or over the internet (this must be viewed interactively and will not be shown at a future date.) The Grant Management Seminars are scheduled for:
Mason City Friday April 22nd at the Mason City Library:
Recertification Class 1 pm - 2 pm
GMS Seminar 2:15 pm - 4 pm
Marion/ Cedar Rapids Saturday April 30th at the Marion Public Library:
Recertification Class 1 pm - 2 pm
GMS Seminar 2:15 pm - 4 pm
Register online at: https://rotaryseminars.org/