Posted by Helen Beneke on Apr 25, 2018
The Interact Club of PAC from Pocahontas, IA, celebrated National Volunteer Week (April 15 - 21) by 
  • daily volunteer activities ranging from cleaning up the school grounds, local parks, and roadside ditches.  
  • serving lunch at Beacon of Hope, a men’s homeless shelter in Fort Dodge
  • playing BINGO at two local care facilities in town.
They planned a weather pick-me-up by providing a "Soupy Weather? Soupy Supper!" for the Pocahontas community.  The Interact Club partnered with the Pocahontas Area Community High School Art Department.  Teacher, Bill Strack, threw 50 bowls and with the assistance of his art students, provided colorful bowls for those who bought tickets for the supper. Each bowl was taken home by the satisfied supporter of this Interact Club.  Tickets were priced at $10.00 and the Interact Club made $700.00.  They will split the proceeds among the following agencies:  Congregate Meals of Pocahontas, Upper Des Moines Opportunity, and Meals from the Heartland.  "Read More" to see photos. 
Interact Club, Pocahontas Area Community School District
"Soupy Weather?  Soupy Supper!" 
Interact students with the hand crafted soup bowls.
Katie Wilford as the Interact faculty advisor for three years has fostered the growth of the club from 18 the first year to 55 members at the beginning of this school year.  Students volunteer on average 40 hours per year with an accumulative total over 3,000+ volunteered hours within the community and local towns. The most noteworthy is their bi-weekly commitment to sort cans & bottles for the City of Pocahontas.  The local Rotary Club transports these bags 100 (round-trip) to a recycling company twice monthly. The funds are used for youth activities and for fireworks during the local Fourth of July celebration.