Your President Elect Training Seminar (PETS) is in Rochester on March 8-10, 2018! This conference equips PEs in District 5970, plus Iowa District 6000 and 2 more districts in Minnesota-Wisconsin!
Register now and join many other PE's and District Leaders to prepare you to lead your club.
Our District expects all President Elects will attend. Some clubs also send the candidate who follows the President-Elects as President, to attend twice.
PETS Conference Registration for PEs is paid by our District. Use code PE5970 at check-out to charge the registration to our District. Be sure to reserve your Hotel. Hotel and travel expense is paid by your club. Three hotels are listed with special NCPETS Seminar rates.
Other charges or a non-PE attending... the pay-to is correct: Iowa State University is managing our registrations for Rochester. Inquire to
Go to to register today!