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Interact clubs bring together young people ages 12-18 to develop leadership skills while discovering the power of Service Above Self.
Through Interact, young people can connect with leaders in their community and around the world to:
  • Take action to make a difference in their school and community
  • Become leaders in their school and community
  • Discover new cultures and promote international understanding
  • Have fun and make new friends from around the world
Information about Interact clubs around the world and about how to start, certify, and manage an Interact club can be found at:
To update or add contact information for a sponsor Rotary club president or the club's Interact advisor, use the contact form found here:
On January 2, 2018, Rotary's Programs for Young Leaders announced the following updated documents and resources for Interact clubs and Rotary club sponsors:
  • The Rotary Code of Policies outlines all the requirements and best practices from Rotary International to organize, sponsor, and administer all of Rotary’s programs for young leaders. Policies are regularly updated to ensure that they accurately reflect how clubs and activities operate locally. Review the most recent updates to Chapter V adopted by the Board.  
  • The Standard Interact Club Constitution was also amended by the Board and automatically adopted by each Interact club. And Rotary International now provides editable Recommended Interact Club Bylaws with guidance for clubs to customize this important club document to meet your needs locally. 
  • Download new, updated resources from Rotary’s Brand Center. Explore the updated and simplified Interact Marks, logo creator, and Visual Identity Guidelines: Young Leaders. We’ve made it easier than ever to promote your club and district activities— customize your own promotional cards and posters, and download banner templates!
  • Protecting Youth Program Participants is an online course designed specifically for Rotary club presidents and members, providing an overview of Rotary’s key youth protection policies. Access this voluntary course in the “Youth, Students, and Scholars” section of the Learning Center. Also, download updated youth protection policy excerpts and the Rotary Youth Protection Guide.
Cedar Rapids Downtown Rotary presents banner to Interact Club at Jefferson High School May 2018.